Adam Broome – A recent Ski Guide graduate talks to us about how the program lead him to turn his passion into his career.
Adam Broome always knew he wanted to live in the mountains. Growing up in Ontario, he made the move to Whistler five years ago to chase his dream. However, what he quickly realized was that he had to work really hard at seasonal jobs to live here, he couldn’t spend his time doing what he really loved – snowboarding, or more specifically, split boarding.
“I spent a lot of my time working for a lifestyle that I wasn’t getting. I still did get days on the mountain, but not as many as I thought I would. I worked way too much and wasn’t able to do a lot of the activities I wanted to”.
Before Whistler, Adam’s focus was on park riding, “mostly handrails”. However, it was the backcountry of British Columbia that really stole his heart. Over the years he has spent a fair amount of time in the backcountry but always felt like he needed to know more.
“I definitely knew there were hazards but I didn’t realize the extent of it until after I took this program. Before the course, I couldn’t go to the places I wanted to, I just wouldn’t go”.
When asked about the program, Adam explains how he experienced things in a new way. The course “is all about risk management in situational activities”. Each day was new and exciting and would give so much to work on. The focus was on so much more than rope skills and terrain choice. While his favourite day involved repelling into a “secret chute”, he had many challenges and skills to develop as the courses progressed.
Adam has successfully completed the course and not only does he have a new found confidence in his own abilities, but he has found a new passion in guiding and way to “make a career out of living in the mountains”.
What’s next for Adam? Well other than sneaking in as much spring snowboarding as possible, he is also completing his 80 hour Wilderness First Responder course later this month and looking into becoming a mountain bike guide so his summers can be just as amazing as his winters!
Adam’s final thoughts to those like him, “If you’re thinking about going into the backcountry with your friends. I would recommend taking some kind of backcountry educational class. Knowledge is power and if you don’t know, don’t go. Especially when it comes to glaciers. I feel like people think they are totally fine but don’t actually realize the real danger that is there. Taking this course was one of the best decisions I have made in my life”.
Photo credit: Doru Nica, Ski Guide Training student 2018