Interview: Filip Hrkel – Marketing & Media Graduate

Filip Hrkel a recent graduate of the Marketing & Media Manager Program caught up with us to explain how he turned his holiday to Canada into years of living the dream in Whistler and helped build his company.

Filip first came to Whistler in 2014 on a Working Holiday visa. At the time he was working as a web-designer and amateur photographer for a company in Slovakia that allowed him to work remotely. His love of snowboarding and mountain biking made Whistler a natural choice. However, when it came time for him to return to home to Slovakia, Filip realized he wanted to keep “enjoying all around Whistler” and found a way to study, work and play.

“The program allowed me to stay in the place I loved doing the activities I enjoy while continuing to develop my skills and work so I could pay my bills”

Filip was drawn to the photography course especially as the course had a lot of in field experience. “I got to enjoy nature and at the same time learn more from professional photographer Phil Tifo. Phil is such an awesome person and answered all my questions in detail”. He also got more experience with different software, specifically with Mac software. To complete his program Filip completed a work placement with the Whistler Film Fest where he got to “meet a lot of new people, famous actors, filmers, and enjoy benefits as well”. He loved it so much he even went back for a second year! Filip successfully completed his Marketing and Media Manager program and is currently working in Whistler and developing his business.


What’s next for Filip?
He has a new found interest in internet marketing and is finding opportunities to use what he learned in his courses for his professional photographer and video business. He may return to Slovakia in the future, but for now he is enjoying all that Whistler has to offer.

Filip’s final thoughts to those like him, “In Whistler you can do a lot of things. It’s up to you to choose your own path. I like adventures, so this was right place and time for me to learn more about media and marketing all in a different language. I want to say big thank you again to all professors who were patient with me”.

Check out Filip’s website: